Saturday, September 17, 2005

Another Lovely Day in NZ (and it's Saturday too !!!)

今日幾好天呀~~一陣會和琳琳去Airport接她的Daddy。哈哈,原來琴晚Mum係屋企的...hee hee,中伏了 :P 我係很喜歡Weekend的,因為我倆可以有很多時間都靠在一起 :)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Dual Monintor 補完計畫完成 !!!!

哈哈,終於都係忍唔住買左個17" Sony LCD :D 其實係HK都差d失守買左,但因為擔心拿唔到返紐西蘭,所以最後都係無買到。但琴日問公司既Sales person,發覺竟然可以以超正價買到...於是..Hee Hee :P

Dual Monintor 補完計畫完成萬歲 XDDD

頭先和琳琳的朋友Dinner,我覺得氣氛都OK呀,所以琳琳唔使擔心啦 ;) 妳成日都陪我同我d朋友出街,咁有時我都要掉返轉頭陪下妳o架嘛。Ha Ha,我地成晚不停地被問及關於結婚的事情呢 :P

今日係拍拖七十八個星期紀念日,琳琳我愛妳 (K)

Almost 5 pm la !!!!!!!!!!!

就放工啦!!! 就黎可以見琳琳啦 !!! :D 一陣會同琳琳的朋友去dinner ~~~

隨想 - Some funny things about working in I.T.

It's funny working in I.T. , you will never know what is going to happen until you turn up on-site.

Some customers would treat you as "GOD" if you can setup multiple mailboxes on his/her Outlook. Some customers would think that you are totally hopeless because you couldn't bring a collapsed server back alive within 30 mins. But no matter what, the rule of thumb is to stay calm and keeping a smiling face at all time. Don't get too excited when you are being praised and never get too demoralised when being blamed. (It's hard...I know, but I'm learning :P )

OKOK ~~ I know I complain a lot :P But I can tell from my heart that I'm still enjoying (or beginning to? ) this job. I really enjoy this mixture of challenge, excitement, the sense of achievement and of course the times of frustration. I know I'm happy now.

Advertisement time :

Technology drives the future of the world, and yes, we ConnectNZ, is one technology partner.

Wahahahaha XDDDD

Another day in the office

Did a funny job this morning...some people out there are willing to pay someone else just to renew a software subscription :P Oh well, these kind of jobs are always welcomed. At least I'm one step closer to my bonus for this quarter, although it's only a small step :P Ericson,KEEP IT UP !!!

With only $57.85 sitting in my back account, I am feeling extremely insecure. When was the last time I had double digits account balance ? I can't remember XDDDD

Lam Lam: I miss ya, I really do.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

補返幾幅相先 ~~

返到香港的第二天,琳琳和我去左HK DisneyLand玩。很開心的一天 :) 其實個park都唔係好似d人講得咁差o者,都幾好玩呀~~~~~

" 公主與白雪都 不需要羨慕 因可跟妳在長夜裡擁抱 見阿拉丁 本想說聲坐飛氈卻又不可媲美妳待我好

星空不算是太高 假使有妳在旁陪伴我一起每段路 可將一切記心內 明日共妳愉快傾訴 "

琳琳陪左我去沙田探婆婆,睇下我婆婆精神幾好!!! 雖然她已經未必記得我...但見到她而家咁開心,我都心滿意足了 :) 婆婆,我愛您!!!

另外一位是我的四姨,她很錫我的 :) 佢由細睇到我大o架 ~

呢幅係o係機場入閘前影的,同阿邦一齊,永遠都有無限的歡樂。還記得係Kowloon Hotel 電梯入面那位O 咀人兄嗎? XDDD

香港之旅 3/9/2005 ~ 10/9/2005

上個星期我同琳琳一齊返左香港一個星期,目的是為了出席老友KC的婚禮和準備我和琳琳在下年的婚禮。今次係我和琳琳一齊左之後,第一次一起回港,感覺很新鮮呢~因為忙於準備婚禮的事,例如book婚禮場地啦,預備婚紗啦,揀結婚戒子啦,找化妝師啦...整個星期就是匆匆忙忙的,哈哈,我地連香港島都無到過呢。不過最後我地都完成晒我地為呢個Trip所定的目標!!!好強呀!!! 雖然還有很多想去的地方無去,好多想做的野都未做(唯有留待下年啦),但我仍然覺得這是一個美滿的旅程。

我地既婚禮已經鐵定於2006年12月18日舉行,而婚宴場地將會係尖沙咀既Hong Kong Macro Polo Hotel,希望到時各位親戚好友都會賞面出席啦 :) 很多謝我的靚靚表姐和肥表姐夫,為我地搜集左好多資料,不停的提醒我們在籌備婚禮時要注意甚麼,確實係比左我地不了寶貴的意見呢!Sincerely Thanks ! 我相信係跟住來的一年多,我地都會不停的"煩"你地,please get ready :P

琳琳: 呢個星期過得很開心呀,原來有人和自己一起努力,係咁sweet 的:) We are getting there!
俊和Ella: 你地個婚宴做得很成功呀 ! 我知你好唔捨得我走架啦,係機場不停打比我:P haha~ 祝你和Ella 永遠幸福快樂 !!!
邦: 我地之間唔使講乜啦~ 但...果部PC仲係拿唔到 DHCP 呀 @_@
肥仔: Sorry 呀~無時間可以同你靜靜坐低傾下計,下次啦,等埋葉生一齊出黎玩 :)
AGS 各好友 (肥威,阿達,Kolman,Winston, Allan,Kelvin,Vito) : I am so glad to see you guys again! Lets keep in touch :)


岩岩睇過MSCE d 野... 唔係想像中咁簡單...要"的"起心肝認真咁去應付先得 !!!

Time Issue

做晒今朝的job, 暫時下晝無call out ,可以留係公司執下d手尾。唔知琳琳做緊咩呢? Time issue : 點樣set個default time zone架 ?d時間錯晒o既.....

第一次host Blog

唔知做乜心血來潮,想開一個Blog 玩 :P 可能因為係公司太悶了~~ Wahahaha XDDD